By day, I’m a researcher, computer scientist, educator, and applied mathematician with experience inside and outside of academia; by night, I’m a credit card reward maximizer, disruptive innovation investment analyst, and board game strategist. I’ve always been an optimizer, and after indulging this proclivity for years in high performance computing, my eagerness to analyze, model, and optimize systems has overflowed beyond my work life. While, of course, computing architectures contain systems to optimize, so do games, so do reward program ecosystems, and so do businesses, supply chains, and other components of any industry being considered for investment. (So do routine chores, which do not escape my analyses, as my wife will attest!)
I feel most fulfilled when I deploy these analytical skills while engaging with a team or other stakeholders to solve a compelling problem; in doing so, I’ve also developed solid teamwork, leadership, and communication skills. I’ve led software project teams, served as president of two professional organizations, and thoroughly enjoyed exchanging knowledge as a researcher, teaching assistant, and private tutor for college STEM courses. I’m not sure which I like more: crafting an effective narrative for a seminar talk (see Presentations and Talks) or the lively debates that ensue. Outside of work, I’ve drawn on these interpersonal skills as an election canvasser and a scout leader, and when helping many (satisfied) friends and colleagues reevaluate their investment strategy.
In short, I am an integrator, connecting analyses and insight to solutions, and those solutions to people. The perfect setting for me to contribute lies at the intersection between technology, people, and their goals.
Job search scope:

To better align my daily work with who I am, I’m pivoting away from coding-focused work while maintaining a connection to the applied math and creative, collaborative problem solving that is central to computer science and engineering. I’m seeking roles that may entail:
- Analysis of disruptive innovation to inform strategy, particularly investment strategy. I’ve explored this independently for years (see Investor role on LinkedIn), and I love contemplating the future.
- The communication, strategy, and design sides of the development or deployment of technical solutions.
- Opportunities to expand my leadership skills.

Chat with me about:
Board games, elaborate Halloween costumes, all things outdoors, credit card rewards, mud obstacle runs, investing, tech trends, travel, autocross, dog training, martial arts, that time I got into glassblowing.